
A2ZTranslate Limited

We have in-house and contract translators working across 30 language pairs. We run the most up to date CAT programs, if you don’t know what they are then just ask; it is the most valuable part of your translation IP. In short it means we use real people translators, but manage the translation process with the most sophisticated software to remember your previous translations, and recycle them into a new structure or format. We build and develop term bases and translation memories on behalf of our clients, and host them, but we always guarantee:
your term base and/or translation memory is yours
they will never be mixed with any other
we host it on your behalf
but, should you ever choose to bring translation in-house/change provider, we will deliver the term base and translation memory to you within 5 working day
A Translation Memory or Term Base is actually part of your company IP; please don’t undervalue it. It has true worth, it has taken a lot of work to build, and should not be discarded easily.
